Musculoskeletal (MSK) care treats the muscles, joints, bone, ligaments and nerves. Treatment of these areas can include hands on manual therapy (soft tissue treatment, mobilization and/or manipulation), exercise prescription based on the area of concern and education regarding management and prognosis of your condition. A clear and concise assessment is completed including throughout history, physical exam and report of findings to make a clear treatment plan.


Based on evidence based training post-concussion rehabilitation focuses on assessing and treating factors related to on going concussion symptoms. The current literature shows that people who have a concussion and who are still symptomatic (2 weeks for adults and 4 weeks for children) a rehabilitation assessment is clinically recommended. Treatment approach includes rehabilitation of the visual system, the vestibular system, balance/coordination, the cervical spine and the autonomic nervous system. A complete and comprehensive exam will allow for a better understanding of whats driving the on-going difficulties. Concussion rehabilitation includes interdisciplinary approach’s with myself and other health care professionals including physicians, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, optometrists and psychologists.


“Evidence has shown that vestibular rehabilitation can be effective in improving symptoms related to many vestibular (inner ear/balance) disorders. People with vestibular disorders often experience problems with vertigo, dizziness, visual disturbance, and/or imbalance. These are the problems that rehabilitation aims to address. Other problems can also arise that are secondary to vestibular disorders, such as nausea and/or vomiting, reduced ability to focus or concentrate, and fatigue.” (VEDA). Types of treatment can include canalith repositioning (treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)) , habituation, gaze stabilization and balance exercises.


The research demonstrates that 33% of the population will have a TMJ issue throughout their lifetime. TMJ involves the structures of the jaw and face interconnected with the neck and is the 3rd most common cause of disability (behind low back and depression). TMJ rehabilitation focuses on musculoskeletal assessment and treatment of the jaw and neck as well as management of other factors interconnected to jaw pain including stress, trauma and breathing function. TMJ rehabilitation involves interdisciplinary approach’s to management between myself and dentists, psychologists and physicians.